Sports Law

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I am very interested in pursuing a career as a sports attorney. My question is, what are the best law schools for this path? I know that certain law schools have a better program than others, but I can not find a list of the best law schools for this path. Any help would be appreciated.
Koruptified said:
I am very interested in pursuing a career as a sports attorney. My question is, what are the best law schools for this path? I know that certain law schools have a better program than others, but I can not find a list of the best law schools for this path. Any help would be appreciated.
THe question you ask is not easily answered. It's also not like going to a school will allow you to become an entertainment lawyer easier than another. It's a very highly competitive area and the chances are slim to none to make it. Usually it's far more about who you know than what school you are from in this industry.
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