Spring Break week!

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In my custody papers it states that the mother shall have the entire spring break in odd years and the father in even years.

the first day of spring break is a Monday and I informed my ex that I would be picking our son up at 8 am. he later asked if I could pick him up at noon so he could sleep in. I had then told him I have made plans that start before noon and that could not work. now he is asking me to delay my plans or figure something out because the early morning pickup would not work for him.

what should I do?
Take him to court.

File a motion for contempt before the judge that issued the order, or have your lawyer fo it.

Show up at 8:00 am with the police and your order.

He'll refuse.

The police will be your proof.
should I tell my Ex one more time that I would like to pick our son up at 8am before I do that?

Sure, but advise him that if he refuses, you'll bring the order and the police to get your kids.

Then tell him, you'll be taking him to court for contempt!

Tell him he'll be hearing from your lawyer.

Then go hire a lawyer.

It's obvious this buffoon isn't going to play nice.

So tell him, he'll explain his behavior to the judge!
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my ex just emailed me that I can't pick up our son at 8am Monday because the court orders state:

(l) The pickup and return locations shall be the resident of either
parent, day-care, or school as sort forth herein. If the parties cannot
agree otherwise, the defendant shall be responsible for pick-up and
delivery of the child. Physical custody times shall be as sort forth
herein, but if a time is not indicated, it shall be 6 pm.

but it states in (g) that the mother shall have the entire spring break in odd years.

and in (c) the defendant/mother shall have her custody time at all
times the parties can agree upon. If the parties cannot agree she
shall exercise custody as follows. From Wednesday Morning of each week
when the child is delivered to the mother's residence by 8:00 AM until
Thursday morning by 8:30 AM when the child is taken by defendant to
day-care or school, whichever is appropriate.

do you think that there is a difference or that he does have a point?

Thank you!
It is confusing.

But, the order should be interpreted as written.

I agree, what is written is almost unintelligible.

It does suggest a 6:00 pm pickup on Wednesday with return on Thursday.

I don't see anything about a week.

You really need a lawyer if things are ever gonna get better.

He screwed you.
I know, He got me good in court. and getting a lawyer is really a matter of money, I've asked for free help but he would have had laid a hand on me or my son. and he hasn't... yet

do you know of any way to find out who is right without spending a lot of money?
Read the order.
It really doesn't matter if you both disagree.

Your only answer is to take this back before the judge for his/her ruling or interpretation.
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