Springtails-eek, comming through window!!HELP!!

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I have contacted my landlord of 2 yrs. about springtail (insects) flying through the screens of the kitchen bay window. These insects are living under the moulding of the wind-out Anderson window, as it is not secure. Mrs. Landlord said I could not have them exterminated until Mr. Landlord examined them and I was not allowed to secure the moulding. Mr. Landlord examined the window and told me he would have Mrs. Landlord call me by evening with arrangements. She did not call me, and they went on vacation, and I am stuck with this insect infestation problem. Please understand this is not a low rent area, these are considered to be among the best condos in the Boardman, Ohio area. What can I do in addition to witholding the rental payment and writing her a letter of my intention??
You will likely be able to remedy the problem yourself and abate the rent by the amount of the bill. You should look at your lease. Additionally, it would be a good idea to advise the landlord that this is what you plan to do since several calls as of a certain date have not been met with a decisions and time is of the essence.

I would not withhold the rental payment and at most, I would reduce it by the amount you paid for the service. I'd also get two estimates.
Springtails, EEK comming through the window HELP!!!

February 20, 2003 an exterminator was in my Condo and treated the offending window, plus all the windows, bathrooms, and the laundry room as this is where these particular insects like to be. He claimed they would all die and I would have a 3 month grarantee! They are not all dead though some are, and they are still comming in through the window, as according to him they are living inside the window between the glass and the screen and under the loose moulding. I did withold the rent check, as I knew if I did not I would not get any help from the landlord. The window needs to be repaired in order to keep the insects from living there, and this is a structual problem. I do not have permission to have the window fixed or replaced. There is a clause in my lease that says (That if said premises are destroyed or injured by the elements, or other cause, without any fault or neglect on the part of said Lessee, so as to be unfit for occupancy, said Lessee shall not be liable to pay rent from and after the time when possession of said premises shall have been surrendered to the Lessor.) I do believe my kitchen and dining room would qualify!!
Please advise and thank you,

Carole M. Weiszer
Springtails-eek, coming through window!!HELP!!

Would you please reply to the newest occurance I have written to you about??
The landlord came last night and sealed the window but his wife said they want me to move by the 28th of this month.
Can they force me to move without the proper time to locate a
mover and another place to live??
I wrote and quoted the clause from my lease 02/24/03.
Please advise,

C M Weiszer
What state are you in? To my knowledge, unless otherwise stated in your lease, no landlord can evict without due notice. Usually that would mean 30 days. Also, if your lease is not expired, the landlord needs a reason to break that contract.

Have you given writen notice of your intentions to withhold rent? If you have not, you need to do so ASAP. Regardless, if notice is not given (usually 30 days) in advance, you are still held accountable for that payment. You have to give the landlord notice of your intentions and a chance to remedy the problem.

You might also want to look up your state's landlord/tenant laws on line just to know exactly what yu can and cannot do.

Good luck!
Thank you so much for your reply, it was most appreciated.
I am in Ohio, and I will check the laws for this state.
I did send the landlord a letter of my intentions, but I also mailed the rent check by certified mail. I really did have every intention of paying the rent and I was not looking for a reduction of same, I just wanted the insects gone and the window repaired which they have now done, however, they refuse to accept responsibility for the problem. They want to blame me for the insects which are not my fault, but this would give them an excuse to keep the huge security deposit I had to pay up front. Also, after the first year of the lease is fulfilled, you become a month to month tenant which is my case as I have been here for two years.
This being done, I guess I will just have to look for a new place to live and wait to receive my eviction notice. I was hoping I would have a little more time to actually move, as I just started a new job and this is not a opportune time. Also, it will cost at least $2500.00 to move which I would rather not spend at this time.
Thank you most kindly for your help.
C M Weiszer
1. What's a Springtail?
2. Is there any way they are attracted to the house by you personally or are they just attracted to houses in general?
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