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New Member
My (ex)b.f. & I bought a house together about a year and a half ago. Roughly 8 months later he started using drugs & became very abusive so i moved out.
I have not seen or spoken to him in several months because i had to file a restraining order against him.
The home is owner financed and we are both on the deed/contract.
I found out through a mutual friend that he's in jail (& likely won't get out any time soon) and that he hasn't paid the mortgage (though he had been until the last 2 months). The owner-finance contract gives us 2 months of non-payment before they start to forclose.
I went to the house to retrieve some personal items to find that 4 other people were living in the house (its less than 1200 sq. ft!).
None of these people has paid rent & none of them is on any kind of lease, though I assume they are there with his permission. I have been told that they are all using drugs in the house.
They have pilfered through my belongings & looted the house to where there is nothing left, and I want them out - immediately.
What can I do to make that happen?
The easiest way is to tell them that tomorrow morning you are going to call the police and tell them there are drugs in the house and give them the right to search the house once a day until they are gone. They will leave on their own: quickly.
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