Harassment, Stalking, Misconduct Stalked and Harassed by Former Employer

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Everyone who responded here is a regular contributor of this site and not employed by any security contractor. I still maintain you can only change yourself and with behavior therapy, learn to tune out these incidents. I'm not sure what other advice you are looking for if you can't prove it is happening, who is doing it, and none of their behaviors are illegal. Annoying someone simply isn't illegal.
All of the people on this site were very courteous. The forum that I was talking about was city-data forum.

I am just looking anywhere and everywhere trying to find advice on how to stop this form of harassment.

By-the-way, I believe what they are doing would fall under stalking which id illegal in all 50 states. For example here in Wisconsin penal code 940.32 Stalking. Stalking (maliciously following, harassing, and threatening another person, intending to cause emotional distress) is a violation of Wisconsin Penal Code sections 940.32 and section 947.013. Stalking is a Class 1 felony and may be punishable up to 3 1/2 years in prison and up to a $10,000 fine for a first offense. Also harassment is illegal see WI penal code 947.013. The only problem is proving it.
Again, even if you truly believe you don't need it, consider speaking with a mental health professional. People who suffer from certain disorders are often totally unaware of their condition. The comments you are making here indicate you may need some help.
Prove everyone wrong and see a doctor about all this. With a clean bill of health your complaint might be viewed very differently. Visiting a mental health professional is a good first step to getting the assistance you want.
How should I know why "they" think I'm so important?! At the beginning of all this I spoke to my former employer HR Manager. I told her about the gang stalking, etc. She confirmed what was happening, and asked me if I noticed that they were applying more pressure.

By-the-way, If you don't think I "actually comprehend COINTELPRO", feel free to elaborate on it.

Well, it doesn't do what you think it does for one thing. And there's that whole bit about the actual use in decades gone by.
Mightymoose, I'm sure your intentions are good, but I can assure you I am of sound mind.

ElleMD, As I stated, I'm looking everywhere and anywhere for suggestions that I can use to end this harassment. If you were in this situation I'm sure you would not just sit and take it, you would want to do whatever you can (within reason) to make it stop, and you would want justice. There are things people can do such as making people aware of this situation to shed some light on this situation and maybe Congress will put an end to this. It's frustrating!

Proserpina, I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you mean.
Since you cannot articulate exactly what people are doing (I do NOT mean a description of gang stalking in general - I mean, "On January 21 three people on the street aimed their cell phones at me and took pictures which were then posted to thus-and-so website on the internet") and you have not in any way explained how what they are doing is harming you or why it would cause you to lose your job, I'm afraid there is nothing this forum can do to help you.
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What you describe would be so prohibitively expensive, and would by necessity involve so many people as to be virtually impossible to undertake for any length of time - much less to do so in any covert way. John Gotti didn't receive that kind of attention, and I doubt that you are the equivalent of an organized crime figure such that a private organization would consider spending millions just to bother you and then hope to keep it a secret after dozens of people were involved and exposed to public view.
Not a unique situation, it's community mobbing.

ElleMD, As I stated, I'm looking everywhere and anywhere for suggestions that I can use to end this harassment. If you were in this situation I'm sure you would not just sit and take it, you would want to do whatever you can (within reason) to make it stop, and you would want justice. There are things people can do such as making people aware of this situation to shed some light on this situation and maybe Congress will put an end to this. It's frustrating!

Some answers. First, the most likely reason you are being harassed on the job is that you work in EHS/Safety. I happen to work for EHS/Environmental, and yes, we see exactly the same kind of tactics used in our workplace (a very large government entity with many work sites).

So first off, the tactics used (color sensitization, for instance) are usually quite visible. To see this effect in action, I could post photos of our parking lots. A typical example (which I showed to our police chief today) is to have 4-6 RED vehicles all clustered together, or, to have a red and white vehicle together (sometimes also in clusters). Red is not that common of a color, representing just 12% of all cars of any color purchased in the last couple of years (the color fades and is a color that attracts police attention). In a parking lot, color distribution should be random because people do not choose colors to park next to (unless you are a member of this group of harassment-for-hire stalkers). Our parking lots also had (today) 3-6 light grey cars or white cars, all parked together (angle parking). Very easy to see, once you attune your eyes to look for the pattern.

Other tactics are not nearly so benign. They (revenge-for-hire, proxy stalkers) will hack your work phone and computer so that they can meddle optimally. Calls are not received, and your voice mail message may be redirected to an in-box belonging to someone else. Files go missing and your desk will be broken into and items removed, if locked. You are deliberately excluded from meetings and given many trivial items to attend to by others. Your food and beverage may be tampered with (drugs, diuretics, speed/PCP). Your office will be equipped with small microphones for covert eavesdropping. Office mates will deliberately come and go exactly when you do (in another building, the stalking staff will come out of the bathroom or nearby restroom at exactly the same time that I leave a meeting with their service chief. Ditto in our contracting unit, when meeting with my contracting officer, a nearby office mate of hers (she is also harassed heavily and now knows it) will just happen to come out of the bathroom, where they are no doubt listening in by cell phone (yes, there is an app for that, too). When out on campus, my vehicle is constantly cut off or passed by red vehicles AND pedestrians wearing red and red motorcycles, and more recently, our Fire Service vehicles, too.

We have full Service Chiefs whom are stalked/harassed (all, notably, are women, save one who is male - he will not discuss his harassment). Using pocket protector sized devices (mini microwave devices made from DVD laser modules), stalkers can hit at: eyes, ears, knees, instep of feet and shin bones, to cause pain or burning sensation. Larger devices can be set up with remote control (and yes, it's a cell phone app, again) on simple servo's to point-and-aim at (for instance) your desk seating, or the most common place you sit when in meetings. This is the so-called 'no-touch' or touchless weapons that you will find described on proxy stalker sites.

The largest versions are full fledged ground-penetrating radar devices, and they can be quite painful when aimed and funneled (using a cone concentrator) to a very narrow beam. Distance of operation can be hundreds of feet.

Who does it: revenge-for-hire firms, which can be found online. Are now global in scope and can be hired by subscription for as long as you are willing to pay, or until the victim either expires from inflicted damage or commits suicide. The International Drug-and-crime cartels appear to be washing money through these groups frequently these days. Groups used are most often the 'citizen militias, also called Sovereign Citizen Groups. They are anti-government/anti-regulations and very much anti-women and anti-religion (other than Christianity). Other websites offer similar services to stalk divorced 'exe's, and we think some subscribers may be former employers who fear reprisals from ex-staff. Police who are incorruptible are also on their hit list.

USDOJ is well aware of this alarming trend and have hundreds of thousands of cases on file that describe the methods and report various types of damages from harassment/group stalking campaigns.

Make no mistake, this is Organized Crime (RICO applies) and it's Domestic Terrorism.

That is why more than 100 law enforcement agencies now consider these Sovereign Citizen groups (who often have Tea Party affiliations) to be most dangerous terrorist threat in the US - they are ranked higher, for instance, than ISIS., for relative domestic terror tactic risk (including attack on public infrastructure, gassing and drugging of victims, and mass internet and phone hacking/ID theft).

Of note: this crime was first reported in the early 2000s in the Netherlands, when more than 10,000 individuals were nabbed in a large crime cartel ring, targeting judges, lawyers and politicians. The drug cartels were thought to be behind it; reports were published in criminology journals describing the Stasi-like methods employed.

So you can hang-up your reservations that this is just hooey. It's real, very very real, and it's now a global crime pattern.

The government is most often cited as the cause, but this is dysinformation to frame various agencies.
To 2Bquestion: Prosperpina means that Co(unter) Intelligence Pro, was a mission conducted the FBI, to deliberately isolate and harass known terrorist cell (Black Friday, Black Panthers) sympathizers.

The real culprit behind the technique is the Russian KGB. They trained the East Berlin/Iron Curtain secret police.

Many of the same tactics today are used against US and NATO nation embassy staff in Moscow Russia.

We (professional analysts) think that Russia has been making friends with the drug cartels and introducing them to these methods, in a 'divide-and-conquer' approach to not-so-covert terrorism. The Drug Cartels were pushed out of laundering billions in US Banks (publicly exposed in 2011) and began turning (2008-09) to providing 'debt relief' to many thousands of Americans. Before then, most of the individuals were petty criminals, drug users. Now, they often employ individuals with either a political bent (get back the government) or citizen posse wanna-bees who will commit a felony for money, no questions asked, if the targeted individual is construed as being undesirable in the community (eg. they are framed as being offenders of some time, or whistle blowers).

In my case, I was harassed for years because I have family in the FBI and also in DEA, and that was before I became a EHS specialist. This crime wave started approximately 1995-1998, in the Deep South, and propagated through Red States, West- and Northward.
See my posts. The level of harassment can extend up to and including: drugging, rape, and in some cases, attempted murder. It can also subside to simply following and making their presence known. But I can guarantee you, that these groups do background research on their victims to 'shop around' the possibility of harassment subscription renewal to new clients. In this way, they maximize the extent of harm and duration as they 'grow their business', without having to 'retool' for new targets constantly.

I would be happy to elaborate. My harassers have tried at least 4 times to cause vehicular accidents that would lead to fatal injuries and death, including an incident in 2013 while traveling across northern tier states during a very large snowstorm, in a remote part of a Plains State, on a major Interstate: using a couple of vehicle mounted lows to form a large snow and ice barrier, at night, on a raised roadway/overpass curve, with limited visibility due to weather conditions.

I narrowly missed the large snow/ice mass which was about much larger than my vehicle. Three cars were behind and off to the side of me, having 'herded' (setup) me into the left lane, where the barrier was situate
Okay, I'm closing this thread. These discussions are speculative at best and serve no purpose.
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