Stan the Man Musial

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Well-Known Member
I posted this in a thread in the Human Resource forum but I wanted him to have a thread of his own. Stan the Man Musial died. I am so very, very sad. I have been a Cardinal fan all my life & a season ticket holder for the last 16 years. I loved Mr. Musial. He was a great ball player & a great gentleman. I'm glad I got to see him play. It is a sad day in the St. Louis area, for all Cardinal fans & everyone who loved Stan.
This was sad news and I saw this a few months ago when you posted it. For some reason I always felt a strong sense of admiration for Stan Musial. It speaks volumes about the times and the people when you have a sports star serving in our armed forces (the Navy I believe). He was a tremendous player and, at least from what is reported, quite a gentleman and a rare person with such fame. My condolences to the family.
Thanks. He was loved by so many. A great ball player & a great gentleman. Yes, he served in the Navy during World War II.
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