Standing in the Breech...

army judge

Super Moderator
Good. Because I can find nothing in the US Constitution that gives the Federal Government the power to run elections at the state level other than the day in November they are supposed to happen.
Good. Because I can find nothing in the US Constitution that gives the Federal Government the power to run elections at the state level other than the day in November they are supposed to happen.

Why was the "federal gubmint" SILENT when the donkey gubmints of this nation instituted "Jim Crow" laws that disqualified black people from voting for decades?

Why was the same "federal gubmint" SILENT when the donkey and pachyderm gubmints of this nation IGNORED the equality of females with males, instituting laws denying ALL females from voting until 1920?

While I'm remembering things, it comes to mind that people protest the flag of the confederacy that flew over slavery and Jim Crow.

During that same time frame, the stars and stripes was flown, too!

People chatter and palaver about stuff, but few are willing to properly assess and proportion the blame!

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