Starting a Business Starting Traveling and Rental Info Free Website


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Hi experts,

I am planning to create traveling and rental info website. I am currently in H1B. Can I start travel and rental info website.

What are the legal obligations?
Can I start or I should not start?
What are legal requirements must have in website when we provide free information?
I am planning to create traveling and rental info website. I am currently in H1B. Can I start travel and rental info website.


What are legal requirements must have in website when we provide free information?

There are many "legal" requirements. Wouldn't make any sense to try to list them all.

I suggest that you peruse other similar websites and see what they are doing and what their Terms of Service and Disclaimers are.

Providing free information on a website (basically a blog) really doesn't have much risk or requirements.

However, if you are providing reviews of businesses better be careful what you say because you can be sued if somebody doesn't like what you say about their business.

There are many "legal" requirements. Wouldn't make any sense to try to list them all.

I suggest that you peruse other similar websites and see what they are doing and what their Terms of Service and Disclaimers are.

Providing free information on a website (basically a blog) really doesn't have much risk or requirements.

However, if you are providing reviews of businesses better be careful what you say because you can be sued if somebody doesn't like what you say about their business.

Thanks for quick reply.

I have taken down your information.

1. This travel info site will be deeper on information, customer reviews, ratings etc and client may pay commission if they book through my travel info site.
2. Will I get commission from external clients as I am in H1B?
3. Which specialization attorney needs to contact for all information what I need?
4. Do we have free government consultation attorneys in Seattle, Washington or bare minimum consultation attorneys to check my requirements before i start anything?

Thanks in advance.
H1B holders have many restrictions.
H1B holders were given those restrictions in writing by these fine government officials:

These licensed attorneys explain the restrictions for H1B holders, again:

H-1B Visa - What are the limitation of H1B visa holder - Zhang & Attorneys, L.P.| Attorneys in Silicon Valley, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, and Austin

H-1B Visa Limitations, H1B Visa Violations

H1 Visa Holder Responsibilities - Being a good H-1B visa worker

Violate the restrictions at your own peril until January, 2017!!!

A new day will dawn across the USA, soon...
client may pay commission if they book through my travel info site.

That's a far cry from "free website" that you originally alluded to. There's a lot more at stake when money is involved.

Will I get commission from external clients as I am in H1B?

That's between you and the clients but I don't think H1B status prevents you from earning money.

Which specialization attorney needs to contact for all information what I need?

Any business oriented attorney can handle this. Just call around, explain what you are doing, ask "Do you do this?"

Do we have free government consultation attorneys in Seattle, Washington or bare minimum consultation attorneys to check my requirements before i start anything?

Attorneys work for a living. Anybody going into business better darn well be able to afford one or just stay out of business and get a job at McDonalds.
That's a far cry from "free website" that you originally alluded to. There's a lot more at stake when money is involved.

That's between you and the clients but I don't think H1B status prevents you from earning money.

Any business oriented attorney can handle this. Just call around, explain what you are doing, ask "Do you do this?"

Attorneys work for a living. Anybody going into business better darn well be able to afford one or just stay out of business and get a job at McDonalds.

Thank you for information. I got it now.

This is excellent website and got my information within a day which I was struggling to get last one month.

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