Domestic Violence & Civil Orders State of Georgia FTA (failure to appear) misdemeanor


New Member
This is complex so please excuse the long description. My husband was arrested back in November for criminal trespass (he was on our own property that both our names are on the deed) and simple battery (he broke a television in a heated argument) our nosey neighbors called 911 and the deputies decided to press those two charges. I immediately went to work calling the local state solicitor and see what could be done to dismiss the charges (they are wasting time and money on a crap case) I ended up submitting an affidavit (notarized) of course on his behalf explaining the situation and how the charges were just not reasonable or necessary. He sat in county for 22 days before he was finally brought before a Judge for arraignment and he was released immediately with no bond needed (OR) I started calling before Christmas and was assured the charges and case would be dismissed. Well today (March 4th) he was picked up by deputies on a FTA (failure to appear) bench warrant. We received absolutely nothing in the mail about a court date or the official paper from the state solicitor. My question is this, now he has a misdemeanor on top of other misdemeanors and how can we get this resolved quickest. Is he eligible for a bond on the FTA since he was just released OR on the other charges? I get different answers from the employees inside of the jail so any advice or input would be appreciated.
You hire him a criminal defense attorney first thing Monday morning.

It's what you should have done the day he was arrested the first time.

He is the only breadwinner in our household, as I have returned to college to complete my degree. I tried to get him a public defender originally but was told by the Public Defenders office that they did not provide free or low cost legal help to misdemeanor cases. As we have small kids at home too, our cash flow is not exactly great right now. And with him in jail until a judge decides to release him, we will not have any cash flow to spare.
He is the only breadwinner in our household, as I have returned to college to complete my degree. I tried to get him a public defender originally but was told by the Public Defenders office that they did not provide free or low cost legal help to misdemeanor cases. As we have small kids at home too, our cash flow is not exactly great right now. And with him in jail until a judge decides to release him, we will not have any cash flow to spare.

I suggest you contact social services and seek assistance for your babies.
He'll get out of jail eventually.
What you considered a nothing argument, the police and prosecutor consider otherwise.
On top of the nothing burger, he FAILED TO APPEAR.
You didn't "failed to appear", he did.
You have done nothing illegal.
He, however, stands accused of illegalities.
Again, contact social services and see if the state will assist you with food, rent, utilities, etc on an emergency basis.
You can also contact agencies like Salvation Army, Red Cross, food banks, religious charities and large churches to see what emergency assistance you can receive.
The babies, your babies, have needs.
The adult male that is locked down in county jail will be just fine.
he made his bed by behaving like a savage.
Can you say your babies will be okay?
Get the help for the babies, not the savage locked away in county.
I suspect when he was released OR he was notified in the court room to return on a certain date. The courts records will indicate how he was notified.
For him to be held as you describe it seems there is likely an underlying issue. Is he a parolee or on probation for something else? Sitting for 22 days before arraignment suggests there is more to the story.

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