State of Wyoming - Can charges be legally made by parents?

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New Member
In the state of Wyoming can a parent legally charge a child under the age of 18 rent? Also can they make the child pay for food, clothing and other necessities?
They can ask ... but they can't kick the kids out of the house if they do NOT pay rent.

I know many kids whose parents make them contribute to the household. Some of these parents actually squirrel their kids' money away into college funds - others use it for things like food and utilities for the family as a whole.

So, yes, a parent can ask for "rent" but they cannot evict the kid for not having the money to pay.

- Carl
thank you cdwJava. someone else replied to this earlier about not doing other member's homework and i'm new to this site so i don't really know how this works. but thank you!!!!
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