States witness......

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I'm a states witness in domestic V case and I have been subpeoned. I don't plan on showing up to testify against my ex. I was told i would be arrested. Is this true? Arent they infringing on my 5th ammendment rights in some way? I was the victim, so what if I don't show up to court.?
If you fail to show you CAN be arrested. I have been ordered to do so by judges in the past so I know it can and does happen. I even had to travel out of town to hook a DV victim up and then transport and book her into jail until she could see the judge a couple days later.

The 5th Amendment only applies if you were to be making statements that might incriminate yourself. You are being subpoenaed as a witness, you are not on trial, therefore unless you are willing to explain to a judge WHY your statements might incriminate you in a crime, you will almost certainly be ordered to answer any questions.

- Carl
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