Statue Of Limatation

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Well I'm not for sure if there is anything I can do but I do want to know. The reason it has taken so long is I really didn't want to do anything but,this has messed my life up pretty bad. Here it goes, backin May 2005 it is about this time last year. I waljed out off my job cause they were going to write me up for something that wasn't True and they didn't try to find out the truth nor listen to the wittness. I have all reports and documents from all this to show that they were in the wrong and I haven't worked since then either There for a long time I didn't come out of my bed room because of all this. I have no money no where really to live and am about to loose my Truck I have lost almost everything even my pride.I was a2nd shift Manager for Mohawk Carpet anda good one at that never had a problem with anything I had done The people liked me I could get them to do anything until this then I didn't want to show my face in this little town cause almost everyone knew me and I had worked there for almost 10years. There is alot of stuff that I need to speak to someone about I can go more into details. Thank you Glenda2
What is your question? You should not have quit your job, regardless if you did not agree with the write up.

Your best bet is to find another job ASAP. You have waited a year to complain about this, when you voluntarily quit. If you are flat broke then get a job doing anything to pay your bills.
The reason for the write up was wrong the guy that got mad and quit went to HR said I fired him this is not true He walked out so they said they had to write me up to keep from having law suit gave him his job back but the reason he walked out was I had to take him off his job and put on differnt one due to all the mistakes he was making and had spoke to him 3 other times before in same week for the mistakes this was all due to my bosses is reason for the corrective acction on him I even let him read the papers that they were leaving about the mistakes told him to be more careful this went on for a week so I had to take him off his job which was driving fork lift So my point is do I have a case or not there is alot more things thst went on with this I just feel they should of looked into this more than they did cause I had the security officer there as a wittness and I had never been in trouble beforeBut for them wanting to do this when I was only doing what they told me to do and as for getting a job I will do that when They stop telling me that i am over qualified
and the reason i have waited so long is that i hate to go to court if so because i worked there for so long but now i feel that yes i should of done this along time ago as i said there is more to the story but if you think maybe they wanted me to do what i did the answer is no cause they hD TO SHUT DOWN THE WHOLE 2ND shift to find a manager for 2 weeks
It does not matter the reason for the write up. You quit and have waited far too long to do anything about it. I am not an attorney but cannot possible see how you have a case. They did nothing that was illegal it seems.

Thats it,It seems. That is what I am saying there is alot more to it what about the fact having proof of the Males getting paid more than female and are more qualifiied (The female ).
Like I said there is a lot more but, really don't want to write all
This sounds like more retaliation because they were going to write you up for something, and because you currently are still unemployed.

You probably do not have a case. You no longer work there and you voluntarily quit. It has been 1 year. If you want to talk to an employment law attorney then do so but they probably won't give you the time of day. Sorry.
You are relly cocky with the way you talk,And don't really know about the sitI just had a simple question thats all and relly you don't even know whats going on and who pulled your chain anyway do you just check through all these threads just tothrow off bad feelings toward people I am new at this I have never done this I'm not the type of person who does a law suit if I did I would have took them to court along time ago but reall no one can tell anybody what they can and can't do unless the know the whole story which you don't. So why comment
Thank You
I am just giving you straight up answers, and not sugar coating anything.

Again, go see an attorney if you want more proper, formal advice.
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