statue of limitations on landlord harassment

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New Member
In showing a pattern of landlord harassment, is there a statue of limitations? How many years can one go back to demonstrate systematic harassment by the landlord?

In showing a pattern of landlord harassment, is there a statue of limitations? How many years can one go back to demonstrate systematic harassment by the landlord?


There is no legal remedy to stop a jerk from being a jerk.

I suggest you move, if you can, as soon as you can.

Otherwise, thick skin helps, IGNORE a jerk.
For a civil claim it is likely one year, but from the little bit you say it sounds like you would be wasting your time in court.
Agree, landlord/tenant civil claims SOL is one year in New York but also agree there is probably no claim here just based on what you posted.
Right. So what about the statue of limitations? Is there one?

Even if the statute of limitations were 2,000 years, without a cause of action (as in an actionable tort), you have no case.

The last time I recall, Prosser, nor did Conviser (the latter being my law school Torts and Civil Procedure Professor, and the definitive sources on all things tortious); on torts make any mention of jerkiness being an actionable tort at law.
I don't know what type of harassment you are talking about but army judge is certainly correct that it is not illegal to be a jerk.
Wait. There was some kind of landlord harassment bill passed in NYC. So there has to be more than Jerk. Where I live (Stuyvesant Town) they are animals.
Based on what the original poster told us, we can't give any more of an answer than we did. (OP did not give any details to the type of harassment - just being a jerk is not illegal.)
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