Step parent adoption


New Member
Hello, my husband would like to adopt my son. We've been together 4 years and my son's biological father had his parental rights terminated in 2014. Do we need to hire a lawyer or is it possible to file the paperwork with the court ourselves?

Thank you!
Sure he is - right up to the point that you deleted your other thread.

Having done a step-parent adoption on my own, I was prepared to offer up some advice. Not so much now.
He was very helpful until he started complaining on other forums about my posts. I'm sorry I posted the same question on other sites.
Do we need to hire a lawyer or is it possible to file the paperwork with the court ourselves?

It's possible to do it yourself, but we have no way of knowing if you have the competency to handle it on your own without screwing things up. That's not an insult, but adoptions are generally not considered to be good DIY projects (even without the other parent in the mix).

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