step-parent income included in spouse's

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Step-Parent income

I went through this last year. A Judge should not look at a Step-Parent's income as a basis for child support set child support or increase or decrease an obligation. While in court the Attorney argued that since I was re-married it had to take into consideration that my expenses had been reduced since I re-married, therefore he was intitled to a reduction.

Little did my ex or the Attorney know that I had signed a pre-nup. agreement before I got married and also made it clear that I was responsible for all the bills

To me, trying to pull a Step-parents income into the "game" of child support is a way out of child support and it is the kids that suffer. People need to stand up for their kids!

Funny how money changes people and the parent that is paying child support is always looking for a way out of paying. It really is sad!
Paying Child support NCP

This message is not for respectful married women. I think it is really sad for a woman to be so bitter thinking that a man should not be able to go on with his life with someone else. Most of the time people don't try to get out of paying it's just that child support is bias. Children born in wedlock should not have to suffer because of one child born out of wedlock. Women that remarry shouldn't have too much of a problem supporting her child. How can you say it is o.k. for woman to collect money from a man that may have a family of his own. Say if the woman has a good job and her husband has a very good job too. On the other hand the man(NCP) has a good job but his wife does not work because they can't afford childcare. You still believe ordering him to pay the full benefits of child support(thru the court) is fair. Knowing that he has children other than yours. Child support is why men run because the courts do not take their life into consideration. It is more you suffer for having this child while the woman is praised and supported when she made the decision to have it. It is very sad that a man has no rights. Women have the nerve to wonder why men treat them so bad. Women are always about revenge not for the sake of the child. The right thing is for all children in that man's custody or support should be considered. I have very little respect for women that think they can just use children to either keep the man or collect child support. Women since you make the decisions, if you can't pay for them don't have them, it's your bodies!
it is included

The step-parent's income is included in the total household income to determine the income/debt ratio of a household. In my experience with the whole child support, which is now 11 years, the agencies don't apply all household income from both households. In my case, the child support agency wants to include my husband's income for my household, but the agency doesn't include my ex's parents income (he lives with his parents) for his household income.
While the cost of raising a child increases, my support payments for my daughter have decreased from nearly $400 a month to $235 a month. Why? Because my husband has had subsequent raises with his job and my ex continues to "lose his job". Last job loss was due to insubordination on New Year's Eve. Quite convenient for a party guy.
As for the last poster, people separate for various reasons. Do not assume that all child support is going toward children born out of wedlock. Child support is meant for children regardless of litigamacy.

This is for the last post. I never said it wasn't for all children. I said most women don't use it for the child. Like you for instance you have a husband that gets paid good, but still want child support. What is the point, if you all can afford to take care of the child. I guess it's the mentality of, I am going to make you pay. Don't you think that is being nasty and selfish. You know that your daughter isn't suffering, she has a stepfather. The truth is some women just want the man to suffer and not be happy by taking his money when they know they don't need it. Honestly, I think childsupport should only be for divorced couples. Now that they have enforced these laws more women try to get pregnant out of wedlock because they know the law is on their side. Respecting marriage these women should not be put in the same category. They tend to jump from man to man collecting and giving the child to their mother or some else to take care of and use the money for themselves. Maybe if women didn't have the law on their side they would think twice before they have sex unprotected or be so eager to trap a man. You know that for yourself that happens, not saying you did, just some women live that way. Thanks for responding!
Wow this is a good topic. I think that if either party gets re-married the income should not count. I really feel that if one party is living with their parents then the income of the parents should not count.

Now all of this talk about not having to pay at all! If you don't want to pay then don't play. The child's well being is as much the man's responsibility as the woman's. Yes, I am a man. If your ex leaves your sorry butt and she keeps your children and then betters herself by going back to school, or starts her own business, or even wins the freaking lottery and becomes a millionaire, you should still have to pay whatever the court ordered because it is your responsibility. Even if you can't keep a job making more than seven bucks an hour shoveling horse crap at the track.

All of these worthless Dad's out there that complain about it try to remember what the money is going for. Kids need shelter, food, education, clothes. Remember the money needed for birthday parties, Christmas, vacation, sleep overs, sports, clubs. Maybe you could not keep a job for these things when you where married either and that is why you are divorced now. Well just because she found a man that is descent or found a way to do it herself does not mean you should get the free ride.
I need

a clapping smilie...refusedtostop is spot-on! It goes to the adage, you divorce each other, not your children.

I've purposely not posted in response to certain *posters* because I don't feed trolls :D
Step parents have no legal rights to step children. With that said, they are not responsible for financially supporting them, although many do in one way or another, but maybe not directly through child support.
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