2yrs ago I fell and injured my neck or spine and right shoulder, I had 2 injections in my shoulder, all together a year or so of pt, I had surgery on my shoulder and as soon as I asked the doctor to help me get SSI he stopped my pt and told the therapist to tell me it's my neck or spine...so I guess he did surgery on my shoulder for nothing because I continue to struggle to use my rgt arm plus I was left with worse nerve damage than before surgery because my nerve conductor test was not done properly or shall I say, I was not given the proper instructions so that the test could show accurate readings...I have kept a paper trail of all I've been through, it is way to much information to type in pain and I'm not sure if I'm explaining myself well enough to be understood so hopefully well I pray someone will contact me and ask me questions "if" I'm able to get help with this seemingly life long pain and suffering!!!