Still owe partial security deposit

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New Member
We have been renting a private residence since Sept 2012. The last house be rented went into forclosure because landlord stopped paying morgage. We moved in new residence so abruptly that the landlord agreed to wait till income tax return in 2013. We currently been paying rent ontime every month after. Recently landlord she stated she is going to take every rent from now until Sept 2013 when lease isup an d apply it to secuity deposits which is only $1450. Rent is $1050. Now she says Feb rent will be security and so on evety mon th plys late fee. I have all recepits and text messages she agreed to wait till income tax. What can we do to protect ourselves till income tax and we catch her up?
Pay with a check and write "monthly rent" on it.
In the mean time you might keep looking for another place to live if you think this will turn bad.
The landlord may have done you a favor to let you in on short notice, but I wouldn't trust one who started playing silly games.
Get your tax return asap or otherwise pay your deposit as soon as possible to avoid a mess.
If landlord ends up suing you later and you can show checks for "rent", the burden can be put on the landlord for failing to collect the full deposit up front.
Thank u for responding. I pay monthly rent directly to the bank mortgage is under. We are srely not renewing with her.
Still having trouble. Now they day we paid balance in full she filed eviction detainer. Also she is changing over to a management co. Court date march 8th. Can we opt to be on a month to month? She is playing games and we wish to no longer rent there. Please help...
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