still paying child support-why?

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My brother Steve has one child and has been divorced since 1989. His ex-wife and son are living in Texas, however, my brother is living in Florida. He is now remarried and has been paying child support ever since the divorce. The son is now or just turned 23 years old. He's been paying child support even until now. They system is still demanding more money from him. He says he has the information to prove that he has been paying it. Who does he turn to to sort this confusion out. Please help. :confused: :confused:

Thank-you for your patience and time
Sincerely, Robin Cavanaugh
Go to this website. It will tell you what the emancipation laws are for each state. Try to find address for whatever state he pays child support to, write letters to the main office. Especially if he is having problems with the county office. He may have to hire an attorney. Have proof for everything. Keep copies of letters you write.

Good Luck,
Trying to emancipate in Indiana
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