Strange hours change..

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I have been working the night schedule for over 3 years now and just started a new job working nights as well. I have been on nights for 3 weeks with this employer .. Tonight I went into work and had an email in my company email box telling me that I am being moved to days starting in 5 hours from my start time and that i needed to go home and get some sleep..

As I sleep 10 hours before I have to go in to work, and now I was just switched over to day's during the same work day - is there anything that I can say/do about it? As a result of the switch, I'm now here at home typing this post because no matter what I do --- i'm unable to fall asleep.. I have even taken some PM over the counter stuff to help me sleep but it's not working and I KNOW my work shift is going to be cut short cause i'll be falling asleep during my shift..

Also, they changed the dress code on me so now I'm having to go out and buy business attire (yes, full business gid-up) for a job where I have been wearing business casual.

My work contract states business casual and my hours of working are not out-lined in my contract.

On the hours situation, I have been working 8pm to 7am Saturday thru Tuesday. When I went into work tonight, I checked my email and had 2 messages. The first one was telling me that I would be working from 10pm to 8am for the next 7 days or untill some project goal is reached (which I have no information on) and the second email was telling me that when I come in tonight -- that I need to go back home and rest up because I am being moved to the day schedule (which starts 5 hours after I come in) till project goals are reached for the day crew. Attached to this message was more information letting us know that the dress code has changed and we need to comply starting the following moring.

As I have been unable to find anything about schedule changes in the company hand-book, or dress code changes in the company hand-book - I started searching online and have yet to find anything about the hours or the dress code.

Thanks again,
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