Strange Landlord-Tenant problem

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New Member
Hello. Thank you for reading this. I moved into a room about three months ago that I found on craig's list. After I took the place, I aked the landlord to make a contract for us to sign. De didn't, and we never discussed it again (my mistake). So for three months I was paying rent, and I just now moved out of the place. Throughout my time there, the landlord never mentioned utilities to me or to the other tenants.

Now as I am leaving, I am recieving emails from a person whom I beleive to be my "landlord's" mother. I actually think she may own the place, but I have never heard of her, and this whole time I have been writing checks to her son.

This lady is sending me information about how much I owe for utilities. I asked her who she is (I'm only guessing she is his mother), but she has yet to respond. Also, while I am not totally opposed to paying for my share of utilities, I feel uncomfortable paying without seeing any original copies of the bills.

The thing is, I am leaving town in 2 days, and I am worried they will go to small claims court. It seems that I am dealing with a very strange family, and speaking with my roommates, I have heard that these folks have no problem going to court and filling out whatever paperwork they can. I am permanently leaving Virginia very soon, but I am concerned that if they go to court, the claim will sneak up to bite me in the butt (like when I am graduating from law school). I would like to speak with them about it, but they are awful communicators and impossible to get in touch with. Also, they only have my name, email, and phone number. What should I do? Do they have a case against me? Will I be called back to Virginia if they do go to court?

Quite honestly, do they know your new address? If they do file against you, they would need to know your new address to have your served.

If they were to file, they would need to show proof in court that there was some type of documentation regarding the payment schedule for utilities in addition to rent.

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