Strange situation

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Ok i am going to try to explain this the best way i can with tht limited info i have.

My uncle is now in his 60's. He is a vietnam vertern and receives social security benifits. He was recently notified that thru social security that he has a warrant out for his arrest in Mass.
We called and they say it was a child support issue from 1983. According to the paper from social security the warrant was issued in May 1999. This is the first he has heard of this and says his child support was paid thru the VA.

Now i am waiting for him to get my documentation on the support being paid thru the VA.

Now questions.

How can all this happen since 1983 and he NEVER know anything about?
What do you think will end up happening?
Can they still go after him after so long?
ALL his childern are now over 18.
I don't beleive his ex-wife went after him for the support. How would the state know if he didn't pay support?

We are probably going to have to hire an attory over there since my uncle is unable to travel do to medical conditions.

I am just trying to figure out what we should expect. Any help???

Yes, they can go after him for many years.
If he paid through VA and they have the papers proving that then it's probably a matter of the different states not communicating. That happened with my husband. He owed in Las Vegas but paid in Florida. Florida then closed the case and said he didn't owe anymore but Las Vegas still tries to come after him. We just called the Florida child support office and faxed them copies of the paperwork he has saying it's closed and the Florida office said yes it's closed and don't worry about Las Vegas. In my husband's case, someone didn't enter the information of the case being closed into the system and they were still adding up child support even though he wasn't suppose to pay anymore. The papers coming from VA will tell you if he owes anything or not. If he did owe some past support from 1983, the state can also charge interest and add it up over the years and charge him for that too. It's not fair but they do that.
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