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I beat a criminal case that would left me with a strike on my record. I caught a new case and went to my preliminary asked for my bail to be reduced and the judge said no because I have a strike on my record. I pointed out that I beat that case that involved that strike and she saw that this was true..

My question is aren't they suppose to remove that strike and isn't it a judged obligation job to correct any errors accordingly..I am not getting a fair chance? She ignored it and raised my bail
My question is aren't they suppose to remove that strike and isn't it a judged obligation job to correct any errors accordingly..I am not getting a fair chance? She ignored it and raised my bail

I suggest you speak about PENDING criminal charges with your defense attorney.

It might also be a great idea to simply obey their laws in the future which means you won't be arrested eliminating the necessity to appear before a judge.
Ok thank you and pending criminal charges from a two year ago beat case? And I'm also wondering is a FTA misdemeanor warrant reason to raid a house that nothing was there all they had to do was knock and would have let them was the only FTA that I totally just spaced and on the search warrant the FTA was on there and the other thing on it said warrant for evading. I have no idea what they are talking about I haven't had any type of issue to evade. They wouldn't say what that was about, they destroyed my place for no reason. One of the cops there I just noticed few days after it happened is my ex boyfriends cousin. I am not trying to justify any criminal activity but there are exceptions when sometimes it's cops that are in the wrong. It's sad because there are some nut jobs running around getting away with shit and trying to harm people and the cops are wasting their energy time on picking on a good person that look out for people and keep their family friends safe from the weirdos
I pointed out that I beat that case that involved that strike and she saw that this was true.. good then, right?

You just sort of trailed off with ellipses, leaving us to wonder what happened next. In your "new" criminal case, you asked the judge to reduce the bail, and she said no because of the strike. You pointed out that you weren't convicted in that strike case, and the judge acknowledged that, and then what?

If you're saying that she still didn't reduce your bail, then the only question is whether the bail that was set was legally appropriate based on the current circumstances. Since we know none of the relevant circumstances, we have no way of assessing the proprietary of the bail determination. This is the sort of thing you need to discuss with your defense attorney.

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