Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant strip searched BEFORE I was arrested or read my rights

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New Member
my husband and I were pulled over in the parking lot of a local hardware store. When asked what the reason was, one officer responded "because we have a search warrant for your house". Our house is in the next town over, and not in this police department jurisdiction. After searching the vehicle, and finding nothing, we were handcuffed and taken to the town where we live. There, at the local police department, a female officer strip searched me and found some narcotics. When she told the officer in charge about the narcotics, he THEN called a judge to sign the warrant for my house. At that time we were read our miranda rights and placed under arrest. I am curious as to how they had the right to strip search me before I was arrested. It also sounds like they needed to find the dope on me to have probible cause to search my home. I am mostly concerned about the strip search. I know I FELT violated...
Speak with a local defense attorney. I'm sure you can find one or two will take interest in your story.

In the meantime, say nothing about any of this to anyone.

I suspect the cops got the goods on you by using an undercover informant or maybe an undercover police officer.

If you're very smart, you'll cease contacts with any and everyone (except that NEW lawyer you're going to be hiring) until after your trial is over!
Thank you for the prompt response and the good advice

You're most welcome.
One more little tidbit, very often after this kind of stuff has gone down, the curious informant will slither back around.
He or she will often attempt to engage you in conversation, trying to get you to spill the beans.
Many of these little rats will play dumb, or commiserate with you over how horrible this is, and then get you to do ---WELL, YOU KNOW--- things YOU NEVER, EVER did!!!

Be careful very careful, and make sure HUBBY knows too!!!

In my imitation Columbo style, one more thing: Think real hard, who might have known ANYTHING about what was ALLEGEDLY found on you, and who might have known where you were going???? That name (those names) might have compromised and lied on you!!!

Also, stay squeaky clean, Reverend Billy Graham clean, Pope Francis clean, clean as a jug of Clorox clean, clean as a whistle clean!!!!

Loose lips, sink ships!
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When asked what the reason was, one officer responded "because we have a search warrant for your house".

So far perfectly normal, especially if the warrant included the car wherever it was located.

Our house is in the next town over, and not in this police department jurisdiction.

Totally irrelevant.

After searching the vehicle, and finding nothing, we were handcuffed and taken to the town where we live.

Again normal, especially if your person was part of the search warrant.

There, at the local police department, a female officer strip searched me and found some narcotics. When she told the officer in charge about the narcotics, he THEN called a judge to sign the warrant for my house.[\quote]

Again normal. You may have misunderstood what you were initially told or you may have been lied to- doesn't matter which.

At that time we were read our miranda rights and placed under arrest. I am curious as to how they had the right to strip search me before I was arrested.

There were likely two warrants... one to search you, the other to search the house based on the findings.

It also sounds like they needed to find the dope on me to have probible cause to search my home. I am mostly concerned about the strip search. I know I FELT violated...

Bingo. Nothing out of the ordinary here. You don't know it yet, but you got caught long before they stopped you.
thank you both for your quick responses. I DO believe that what you said "you got caught long before they stopped you" is right on the money
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