Stuck in apt building elevator. NY

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New Member
Hi I am curious of what I can do Ive been stuck in my apt buildings elevator several times this year for up to 2 hrs each time. Many others have been stuck in it aswell elderly children and babys. The elevator has 9 violations and it has yet to be fixed.
do you know who the landlord is?
Yes many of us call him to compalin but he never picks up the phone so we leave complaints on his voicemail.
You need to notify the fire department so they can send him the violation notice and fine him until he repairs the elevator. This is public safety issue!
And from now on, you and the other tenants need to report items that need repair in writing to the landlord. That way you have documentation that you have notified him of these issues. Since the previous contact has been by phone, he can always claim that he never received any calls from his tenants.

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