Student Status in regards to housing rentals

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I live in an apartment complex, where the rules regarding students are as follows:
To be a full time student you have to be: Single with a dependent (children), or married (with or without children).
No single people without dependents can live in the complex, and be a full time student.

Is this fair? My personal belief is that it is discrimination for being single without children. Can this really be done?
I live in an apartment complex, where the rules regarding students are as follows:
To be a full time student you have to be: Single with a dependent (children), or married (with or without children).
No single people without dependents can live in the complex, and be a full time student.

Is this fair? My personal belief is that it is discrimination for being single without children. Can this really be done?

My goodness, the questions are challenging today.

Madam, no illegalities in the school's policies.

Many universities follow this same practice.

Turn your question around, what about a mother and her four children saying that all five of them should be allowed to occupy a dorm room or suite?

But, it isn't fair to answer your question with a question.

The law prohibits discrimination, but doesn't prohibit preference.

We give ALL veterans preference when it comes to exams for government jobs.

So, public policy says it is good for society to keep families together, and ALL married students, students with children, and in some cases, a pregnant student the ability to live in "married student (family) housing".

No, madam, nothing illegal in doing that.

Or, nothing that prevents you from having children or getting married, nothing that is; but common sense!
I am not speaking in regards to Student Housing on a Campus. I am speaking of regular apartment housing within the city. My children are grown and have families, and I am a widow. Therefore your last statement does not apply.
There does not appear to be a law against requiring students and defining them anywhere in the housing code. It might be stretch to claim you are being discriminated against, because at your age, your children are legal adults and do not live with you, while you are a full time student.
So an apartment complex can state that NO single full time students (without children at home) can live in their complex. But if you are married, or single with children (living at home), you can be a full time student. Is that what you are stating?

Why is that not considered discriminating against being a single full time student (without children at home and not married)?
So an apartment complex can state that NO single full time students (without children at home) can live in their complex. But if you are married, or single with children (living at home), you can be a full time student. Is that what you are stating?

Why is that not considered discriminating against being a single full time student (without children at home and not married)?

Madam, this is not a court in your jurisdiction.

If you believe you are (or have been) the victim of discriminatory housing practices, take up the matter with a private attorney, your city's housing commission, your state's agency on fair housing, or some such other regulatory body that addresses such concerns.

I wish you well.
It definitely sounds like they are discriminating against single full time students without children at home. Unfortunately, that is not a class protected by status. This brochure explains familial status.

So an apartment complex can state that NO single full time students (without children at home) can live in their complex. But if you are married, or single with children (living at home), you can be a full time student. Is that what you are stating?

Why is that not considered discriminating against being a single full time student (without children at home and not married)?
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