Stun Gun Child protection laws


New Member
This question has multiple issues. My main concern is it possible to get a judge to allow a child to carry a Taser to and From school. (Handed into office in beginning of day and returned when leaving) Why am I asking this? A lot of things. Both my wife and I are disabled, and so are both our children. The school they go to has constantly taken advantage of us and continues to do so including stopping transportation to and from school and both parents do not drive and IEP states they will, but again haven't and just informed me today they again will stop bus service. I am against guns, except Tasers and I feel my children who are 11 and 12 need to protect themselves. Within a years time a store got held up with my daughter inside, and two people tried pulling her into a car only 5 feet from me, plus several break ins. If the school is not going to transport two disabled kids, they need to protect themselves from the above, vicious dogs, and so forth. Otherwise I need to find the right section to go after the school for what they are doing to my children. They both have been bullied as well. It's not safe. This is in California.
Felons and those addicted to narcotics cannot possess a stun gun, as well as children under 16 in California.

Minors between 16 years and 17 years, 364 days can own stun guns, but only with parental permission.

It is illegal to carry a stun gun in certain locations, including the secure area of an airport, all government buildings, public school grounds, and places where public meetings are held.
Why am I asking this? A lot of things. Both my wife and I are disabled, and so are both our children. The school they go to has constantly taken advantage of us and continues to do so including stopping transportation to and from school and both parents do not drive and IEP states they will, but again haven't and just informed me today they again will stop bus service.

This doesn't make much sense. You ask about kids carrying stun guns and then raise the question why you're asking the question and answer that question by explaining that you're having issues with the school not providing transportation. So...are you saying that you want your kids to carry stun guns so that the school won't stop providing bus transportation? If so, that makes no sense.

I feel my children who are 11 and 12 need to protect themselves.

From what?

Within a years time a store got held up with my daughter inside, and two people tried pulling her into a car only 5 feet from me

So...because of some random event that could have happened to anyone, you want your kid to have a stun gun?

plus several break ins.

Break-ins where?

Regardless of the legalities mentioned in the prior response, nothing in your post even remotely justifies arming an 11 and 12 year old with stun guns.
I'm going to make it really simple; no. The school is not going to babysit your kids' weapons while they are in class. Are you insane??? I'd be shocked the stun guns were even allowed on school property. 11 and 12 years olds have no business with a stun gun, let alone having them unsupervised.

If you have an issue with your kids getting to school, there are a million other ways to handle it that do not involve handing per-pubescent children weapons. You don't mention why school provided transportation is necessary due to their disabilities (as opposed to an unsafe neighborhood), but that is what IEP meetings are for.

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