Subcontractor sueing me

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New Member
My house was built in 2010 and I closed on it November 12th 2010. A subcontractor (plumber) sends me a bill in the mail on March 30th of 2011 outlining erroneous extra and upgrades charges to a tune of $2481.00. I consulted a lawyer and they said to blow it off because he was over his 90 days for a mechanics lean. I just received a letter from his lawyer stating I must pay the outstanding debt in full or payments or else pretty much. I never signed any documentation agreeing to the upgrades or verbally agreed to any upgrades. The plumber handed me a book and said pick out what you want. The only upgrade I agreed to was for an extra sump pump which I paid the General Contractor for in full during the closing and it states this on the document. What course of action should I take? Does he have standing to sue?
My house was built in 2010 and I closed on it November 12th 2010. A subcontractor (plumber) sends me a bill in the mail on March 30th of 2011 outlining erroneous extra and upgrades charges to a tune of $2481.00. I consulted a lawyer and they said to blow it off because he was over his 90 days for a mechanics lean. I just received a letter from his lawyer stating I must pay the outstanding debt in full or payments or else pretty much. I never signed any documentation agreeing to the upgrades or verbally agreed to any upgrades. The plumber handed me a book and said pick out what you want. The only upgrade I agreed to was for an extra sump pump which I paid the General Contractor for in full during the closing and it states this on the document. What course of action should I take? Does he have standing to sue?

Anyone that has the ability to place some scratches on paper and a fistful of dollars for a filing fee can bring a lawsuit.

Your question is can he prevail against you?

You can't prevent an idiot from suing you.

You can only defend, if such a suit is brought.

My advice to anyone, never respond to demands for tribute, unless they originate from a court of comepetent jurisdiction over you, and/or the jackbooted, thugs at the IRS.

That said, you've previously been advised by an attorney.

I suggest you continue to heed that advice.

I'm not providing you with legal advice, I'm saying that the advice you've been provided previously by a brother at the bar is 100% spot on!
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