Sublease/Roommate Help

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I need advice...I sublease or rented a spare room to my significant others Mother. I have this sinking feeling that she is stealing mine and my daughters things. I have spoke with the significant other and they agree that I may be right and do nothing. I know that since I told them that I am ending my lease here that they would need to find another place to go...I gave them both a 50+ day notice. I also supplied references as needed...but since that date I have notice this woman belongs getting packed...She didn't come here with much and I know she hasn't gained anything, but her bags are way fuller then when she arrived. Also there are more of them. She gards them like a hawk and I find her behavior to be very odd all of a sudden. This evening I stayed up way later than usual to work on a speech and I heard bizzare noises from her room. My daughters movie collection is in that room, never thought anything of it until tonight. I could swear that I heard that distinct sound of plastic from a dvd being removed, then that distint snap of the plastic case being opened. The sound of a dvd being removed, then the case closed and set back on the shelf. Everytime I made noise...the noise from the room would stop. I do not want to jump the gun and say something...but I also do not want our things ripped off. What are my rights and where should I go from here...she will be gone as of Dec 01, my time is short. I am really not sure where to go from here. Is there away to legally search one's things, while in your home, with police there or something? I thank you in advance for your time and/or advice.
If they are stealing from you you might have grounds to evict them immed. file a police report and tell them they have to leave immed. You have the right to go through her things. I would absolutely do it. You might want to call the police so they can possibly watch hermove out so it does not get ugly. What are you waiting for? If you have things missing then it is obviously her doing it.

What does your SO say in all this? You might want to rethink this relationship if they are not standing by you in this.
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