Sublet Laws - Rent and Eviction Questions

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I moved into a single apt eight months ago. When I moved in I understood that I was "subletting" but was assurred that the "resident manager" was aware of and okay with current lease holder subletting apt. In fact, there had been a subletter here before me as well.

When I moved in, I was introduced to the "resident manager" who lives on my floor and he put my name on the building mailbox and front gate intercom.

Under the current lease the rent here is $423 but I have been paying $550 since I moved in and the lease holder was making a profit from it.

During the past 8 months I made numerous complaints to the "resident manager" about the current lease holder (I found out that he has drug problems, behavioral problems, etc) and I discussed with the "resident manager" on several ocassions my options for getting the apt in my name since he told me that the current lease holder wasn't welcome in the building anymore. At the "resident manager's" advice, I did not pay rent for the month of March 2005 so that an automatic eviction process would begin for the current lease holder if rent was not paid by the 6th of the month. He told me that after the current lease holder was evicted, he would simply lease the apt to me. He planned it this way also so that I would get one free month to compensate me for the $400 deposit that I had given to the current lease holder and knew I would never get it back because he spent it.

I followed his instructions but after the process began, the "resident manager" changed his mind and called the owner / landlord and explained to them that he "just found out" that I was subletting and wanted to evict the current lease holder based on breaking the lease / subletting. He then told the owner / landlord that he would like to lease the apt to me as of April 1, 2005.

Starting April 1, 2005 the new market value of the apt is now $550. The owner / landlord "rolled over" the past lease holders deposit into my account (which he signed away) to compensate me for loosing my original deposit.

*** The problem is, the owner / landlord has requested me to back pay rent for the month of March 2005 (they think I have only been here since March 2005) at the new rate of $550 althouth the rent here during the month of March 2005 was still technically only $423. Since I have essentially recovered my deposit, I have no problem paying for March 2005 but I don't understand if and how they can ask for a higher rent amount. Is this legal?

I am wiling to pay the $423. Can they retract the lease offer to me for not paying that extra money? I have the new lease but haven't signed it yet. Can they evict me? What are my rights here? I have receipts to show that I paid the rent here since last July as well as all of the neighbors are willing to verify that the "resident manager" knew how long I'd really been here and that he allowed subletting before ...

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