Sublet Situation

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I was recently subletting an apartment from someone and had one roommate. The sublet was supposed to be from Jan. 2005 through July 2005. Unfortunately the living arrangement with the roommate did not work out and I have since moved out. My question is, am I legally responsible for paying the rest of the rent? The sublet was not in writing and I was not on the lease at all. There was no written documentation of me living in the apartment. I have also come to find out that the sublessor was supposed to go through the property management company before letting me sublet the apartment. Which he didn't do. The reason for moving out early was due to the other person living in the apartment stalking me which caused me to stay at a friends house since Feb. So I haven't actually lived in the apartment since then. I finally got all of my belongings out as of this week.
My main concern is that the sublessor may come after me for the last 4 months of rent. Does he have any legal grounds for doing so?
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