subletter to my room in house never signed paperwork and left before end of lease

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New Member
I signed a lease( 1 of 6 people) for a house with a 12 month lease. Shortly after my situation changed and I no longer intended to live in the house. I decided to sublet to a mutual friend of the the other roommates. He agreed and I called the rental company and told them the situation. They said he just had to hand in paperwork and it would be ok. He told me several times that he had filled out all paperwork and that he was on the lease. Now (7 months later) he has moved out and has no intention of paying the remainder and I have come to find out that he lied about signing all the forms. I understand that I should have been more diligent about making sure he had signed the forms but he is a friend and I trusted him. I am wondering if there is anyway that I am not liable for making the remainder of the please!!
You don't need to worry much. The other occupants are responsible for making up the difference, and unless they decide to sue you for the amount the they have to make up then you won't have to pay a dime. Even then, you wouldn't be on the hook for the remaining months unless they handle things properly, and with so many occupants it is unlikely they would do it right.
The landlord is going to demand the money from them , not from you.

Personally, i would ignore the situation. If they do come to you just direct them to the guy who actually bailed on them.

When it gets down to it, you never lived there. The rental company let you go from the lease and accepted the new tenant in your place.
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