Subletter Wants Out

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My boyfriend entered a very complicated housing situation. He now wants to leave, and is nervous that he is going to be sued. Opinions? Here is a run down of the situation:

1: His friend's mother (a lawyer) signs the original lease with the owner of the apt.
2: He signs an illegal* (and handwritten) sublease.
3: Friend's mother sends a letter mid-lease changing the terms of tenancy and stating that he can leave the lease with 90 days notice.

*The building does not allow subleasing.

Basically, does the letter from step 3 relieve him of responsibility of the sublease?

If not, can she sue him/where? She is a lawyer in NY, he lives in CT, and the sublease was for an apt in DC.

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She can sue him anywhere.
If she's real lawyer, she won't sue him anywhere.
If the sublet is illegal, he can walk away anytime.

Will she sue?
Who cares?
She can't prevail.
She's doing what some lawyers do, bullying unsuspecting rubes!!!
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