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New Member
I'm renting a room in a 3 bd house from a friend. Been living there over a year and pay 500 a month and another couple. His girlfriend and him are on the lease agreement and not us. Problem is that there was no written just a verbal agreement. When I first moved in, there was a regular doorknob with no key entry. I was admitted into the hospital for about a week. When I was discharge, went home, but had a feeling ofsomething out of place. His girlfriend had went into my room and open up my new q-tips, took more than half. Before I said anything, my roommate told me that his girl rob me of my q-tips. Now everytime my guest comes over, she harasses them verbaly by threating of calling the cops. They (roommate & his girlfriend), broke into my room several times. Had to replace the doorknob twice. Last time they did that, half my food was gone and the doorknob was loose. A friend and his lady came to visit. We was talking about the veterans program. He and myself are a veteran. She was disrespecting them by yelling and using profanity in their face. We went straight to my room, then she bang on my door telling them they need to get the f@#k out or she will call the cops. Less then 5 minutes, she cut the power off to only my room from outside. Entrance to the backyard was lock. So I had called the police. I explain to them what the issue was about. They had ask her to turn the power back on. They had switch door locks, now my key doesn't work. The posted signs for my guest not to come over. But it is ok for them and other roommates to have company. I can't have any guest cause I'm disrespecting the house by having them go thru the house. It's the only way to my room. The place is unsanitary of roaches, and he has a business there that is not zoned, mobile mechanics. What are my rights if any, if they try to evict me?
If they bring an eviction action against you, you defend.
You DO have a lease, by state statute.
The law allows no verbal agreements where real eastate transactions are concerned.
You were illegally liked out, had the power illegally cut.
That's your defense, and you have the police report to prove part of it.
Why not get smart and move out?
I'd rather live under a bridge or in the gutter to live with savages and their pet roaches.
Get out now, those creeps are nuts and steal.
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