Trademark Submitting the correct trademark classification


New Member
I have applied for a trademark with this classification:
"Providing a web site featuring temporary use of non-downloadable software allowing web site users to upload, post and display online videos for sharing with others for entertainment purposes".
It was rejected because the examiner said it appears that the web site is for a purpose other than entertainment purposes, and the examiner is correct. But, after searching the ID manual, I don't see a classification for providing a web site featuring temporary use of non-downloadable software allowing web site users to upload, post and display online videos for sharing with others for {my actual} purposes.
(I only originally used that classification because it was the closest thing I could find in the ID Manual).
Maybe this one? 042-1928 "Providing a web site featuring temporary use of non-downloadable software for {specify the function of the programs, e.g., use in database management, use as a spreadsheet, word processing, etc. and, if software is content- or field-specific, the content or field of use}". I look forward to any assistance.

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