Such a long series of events, don't even know where to start


New Member
South Carolina
I'm at nuclear security officer at a nuclear plant in SC. I was told not to return to return to work yet, this was last week after my supervisors met with me three times in a few hours regarding equipment not working and two other incidents that occurred that night. The night vision batteries are what supposedly started the meetings with me. No way whatsoever is there any way to determine when the night vision's batteries fell out, but I guarantee I would have heard it if it occurred while in my possession. Policy states to check the proper operation at beginning of shift, which I did. The missing batteries were reported by the next shift 3 and a half hours after I had left work, while it had been in the possession of another employee for hours.
During the meeting they also complained that I responded to the wrong door when sent to an alarm , i misheard the door number so created about a one minute delay in my responce, if that, and was told I shouldn't have left my rifle in the office beside my supervisor when I ran down the hall to use the restroom. That supervisor and I were in a completely empty building in the middle of the night. That last complaint, I can understand amd took responsibility.
My Capt. advised me that my punishment was that I was going to be posted in the search lobby full time until further notice. The search lobby is the post that everyone hates. We have numerous posts and we always rotate to different posts every 3 hours. No one has ever been placed on one post for the night, much less permanently or for punishment. In the meeting my capt stated he needed a female in the lobby anyway, which is nowhere in policy and no other shift does that. I'm one of 3 females out of 40 officers on my shift.
These "3" incidents that occurred that night and that my capt used as reason to keep me in the lobby full time, all occurred after I was yelled at by my capt once again. He said I didn't do my security round fast enough which technically I have 12 hrs to complete but I did it as fast as possible (about 45 min) but still doing it correctly. It's not safe or advised by the company to rush through a nuclear plant. What he wanted me to do would have violated our ALARA policy. After he was through fussing at me i again am crying my eyes out in front of everyone bc it seems I can never do anything right, constantly picked on, and I'm always so freaked out about losing my job because I'm well aware I have a target on my back, and I'm far from the only one who knows that.
In a matter of a few hrs that night I had 3 meetings with these supervisors the first meeting was with capt and 3 Lts. The other 2 were attended by capt and one Lt. One meetings also included threats of termination only after I disagreed with them. I wasnt disrespectful, just asked if he had ever done that to another employee. I was so upset and crying that capt and Lt. Told me I could go home that day if I needed to. I stayed for a little while but couldnt stop crying bc this incident was just one of many and only added to constant issues I have had with mainly my capt. for almost 2 yrs now. I was so stressed out, freaked out, and upset that I just couldn't keep it together and didn't want everyone coming through the search lobby and my coworkers to see me crying.
The next day,after all that, before shift, i was advised not to show up for work. For 5 days now i haven't been allowed to work. No one can tell me why I'm out of work, when I can come back, if I'm fired , suspended , if I'm getting paid or not, nothing. They have yet to contact to me unless I make contact. They always say they dont know anything.
It's no secret on my shift among the 40 other teammates that I'm constanly picked on by my capt and Lts. It's no secret that alot of it is bc I'm a female and some say it's bc I don't stand up to them or stand up for myself, and bc I allow them to do it. I've been threatened several times with termination over little things that no one has ever gotten fired for.
They know I'm a single parent and how important my career is. For almost 2 yrs Ive been terrified of making any mistake and stressed out beyond belief. There are a whole lot more incidents over these 2 yrs, like making me be a cleaning lady a several times, crude and sexual comments from supervisors, being called dumb in front of coworkers by those supervisors , etc.
Plenty of witnesses to every complaint I have, documentation, and audio recordings of the 3 meetings I had with them that night.
I was a police officer before this amd never have I felt like I was being treated unfairly at any job until now, and certainly never played the female card or felt like a victim, definitely have never cried at a job, until now. They've have literally worn me down. I have kept my head down, did my job as expected, and not complained. I didnt want to make things worse myself or make waves. The day after the meeting I emailed the security director and made a report with HR on the advice of coworkers. After that I was told not to come to work.
What you were doesn't matter one iota about what you have become.
What you did, may have influenced your ability to obtain a job, it matters not as to whether you keep that job.

You've apparently filed a complaint with HR, there's NOTHING internet strangers can do for you.

You have the RIGHT to consult with, and eventually retain counsel.

Criminal suspects are advised of the right to remain silent, that anything said can and will be used against them in a court of law, and their constitutional right to obtain representation by an attorney.

Take a look at my avatar.

The words on the avatar say essentially the same thing, in a very condensed manner.

It does you no good to talk to anyone but YOUR attorney about the details of your legal matter.

I suggest you discuss your situation with a couple attorneys in your county, then HIRE one.

Whether you hire one or not, It is in your best interests to say nothing about this to anyone but your attorney.
What you were doesn't matter one iota about what you have become.
What you did, may have influenced your ability to obtain a job, it matters not as to whether you keep that job.

You've apparently filed a complaint with HR, there's NOTHING internet strangers can do for you.

You have the RIGHT to consult with, and eventually retain counsel.

Criminal suspects are advised of the right to remain silent, that anything said can and will be used against them in a court of law, and their constitutional right to obtain representation by an attorney.

Take a look at my avatar.

The words on the avatar say essentially the same thing, in a very condensed manner.

It does you no good to talk to anyone but YOUR attorney about the details of your legal matter.

I suggest you discuss your situation with a couple attorneys in your county, then HIRE one.

Whether you hire one or not, It is in your best interests to say nothing about this to anyone but your attorney.

Apparently you dont get that I don't want it to even go that far. All I want is my job and to be treated fairly. Also to know if I'm in the wrong or if what they did is wrong because it sure feels like they are. Employment law is not exactly something I've ever dealt with. I have never been in this position and no clue what to do but I do know I want advice before I go to my meeting with them so I dont screw myself over and just take it if they are actually in the wrong. If you didn't feel that my post was you have the right to remain silent.
Apparently you dont get that I don't want it to even go that far. All I want is my job and to be treated fairly. Also to know if I'm in the wrong or if what they did is wrong because it sure feels like they are. Employment law is not exactly something I've ever dealt with. I have never been in this position and no clue what to do but I do know I want advice before I go to my meeting with them so I dont screw myself over and just take it if they are actually in the wrong. If you didn't feel that my post was you have the right to remain silent.

I don't need to "get it".

You voluntarily posted to a public Internet discussion site.

No one forced you to do it, you CHOSE to do it.

I didn't provide you with legal advice, although I'm an attorney.

I simply discussed certain things.

You are free once more to voluntarily choose to ignore my words, but you don't get to decide who posts what, nor do you determine if posters are sanctioned.

I'm one of those empowered with those abilities.

I'm not sanctioning you, silencing you, or otherwise restricting you.

I'll continue to post my opinions as long as the site owner allows me to do so.

I encourage you to await responses from our many other participants, as there are varied and differing opinions amongst the people who visit this site.

I didn't judge your post, because there was nothing to judge.

I suggested you speak with attorneys, and hire one.

If your employment issues reach the stage of a formal hearing, you'll very likely need an attorney, as no one but a licensed attorney will be allowed to be with you.

If you belong to a union at your place of employment, your shop steward is also allowed to be present.
You need a valium or a glass of wine? The site is for legal advice, which is what I asked for. If you want to be a jerk I'm sure there's a site for that too. Quite unnecessary on this thread, I would think you had something better to do than argue with a stranger for no reason. Btw I never stated what you could or could not post, just advised you that you're wasting my time. Being a single parent of a child with health problems, being wrongfully terminated would have a huge impact on my life so I'd appreciate actual advice instead of telling me I shouldn't be asking to begin with. Go argue with someone and have a good day.
You need a valium or a glass of wine? The site is for legal advice, which is what I asked for. If you want to be a jerk I'm sure there's a site for that too. Quite unnecessary on this thread, I would think you had something better to do than argue with a stranger for no reason. Btw I never stated what you could or could not post, just advised you that you're wasting my time. Being a single parent of a child with health problems, being wrongfully terminated would have a huge impact on my life so I'd appreciate actual advice instead of telling me I shouldn't be asking to begin with. Go argue with someone and have a good day.

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When you submit a question or make a comment on our site or in our law forum, you clearly imply that you are interested in receiving answers, opinions and responses from other people.

The people providing legal help and who respond are volunteers who may not be lawyers, legal professionals or have any legal training or experience.

The law is also subject to change from time to time and legal statutes and regulations vary between states.

It is possible that the law may not apply to you and may have changed from the time a post was made.

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It is not a substitute for professional legal assistance.

Before making any decision or accepting any legal advice, you should have a proper legal consultation with a licensed attorney with whom you have an attorney-client privilege.

For purposes of New York and New Jersey State ethics rules, please take notice that this website and its case reviews may constitute attorney advertising.
Your post is too long and too densely written to read. Go in and edit to add some paragraphs and white space and I'll take a look. Meanwhile, know that "wrongful termination" does not mean what most people think it does, and about 95% of people who write to internet forums thinking they've been wrongfully terminated are wrong.
Lol, basically I still don't know the outcome . I could be wrong , never dealt with any of this before, but seems like I'm being railroaded. I was kept out of work until after I sent the email to the security director. Also the way I've been treated by this supervisor can't be legal. Again I could be wrong. I'm just freaking out and don't know what to do.
About all you can do right now is wait and see what they do. You can also seek employment elsewhere. Really impossible for anyone here to stay if anything illegal has taken place. If you are being discriminated against because you're female, sure that is illegal, but can you prove it?
Another issue is whether or not you have reported any of these issues before now according to your companies complaint procedures.
So in the span of a day you had 3 different infractions and when your supervisor brought them to your attention, you cried and had to leave work. Given the nature of your job, surely you can understand why someone who is emotionally unstable at work is a problem. Unless you can prove that males have committed the same number and time of infractions in the same short span of time and had the same emotional reaction requiring them to leave early in tears, you are going to have an impossible time proving that it is your gender and not your behavior that led to suspension or termination. Sending a Hail Mary complaint to HR after you are in trouble isn't going to change this. That isn't the reason you were sent home.

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