Sued by Ex-wife's Daughter

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I was just served by a civil servant from my ex-wife's daughter. The summons is suggesting that I need to pay her(the ex-wife's daughter) half of the downpayment on a house that was given to the ex-wife in Divorce court. The judge deemed that each party in the divorce would keep all property which was in their possession and maintenance and cost(the house was never in my name). There is a letter that goes along with the summons that my ex-wife and I signed that states that upon liquidation both myself and my then wife would pay her father back the downpayment(he has since passed away) and that if he passes away that the grandaughter would be the person that we pay. My question is this,... I realize that her daughter can present the letter for judgement, but how much does the house being given to her mother (actually it wasn't given it was always hers,...the judge just told her the house in in your name)in the settlement play in this the way the house was foreclosed because she just stopped paying for it.
Was this letter an agreement before divorce? If so the the judges ruling that gives your ex the house likely releases you from any obligation to repay the downpayment.
If the house was foreclosed then you may be off the hook anyway. The agreement you signed only addresses sale of the house, not foreclosure.
It sends to me that if daughter wants to take action against anyone it would be mom.
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