Sueing for lost wages yet unemployed at time of injury

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New Member
I had a tenant who fell off a ladder on my property. She was misusing the loft as a sleeping area, not what it was intended for, and injured her knee. She was on Disability and SSI at the time and was NOT employed. These facts can be verified by other tenants she admitted to as working as a massage therapist, under the table , to avoid reporting income above her monthly benefits. We met to discuss a settlement, and she accepted payment on the spot, by check I wrote to her. In the memo area I indicated that "endorsing this check would release me from any past,present or future claims. 2 days later I recieve a complaint seeking 6.5 million in damages. Is'nt she committing fraud? Surely you can't claim wages when there were'nt any. And, she cashed the check!

I don't get it
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