Suing an LLC in the state of Connecticut

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I worked for an LLC for just over a year. I don't have time to give all the details right now, but the condensed version is this, I worked for nearly 5 months without receiving a paycheck. In addition, the company was having financial problems which I discovered when I tried to straighten out the books (I was hired as a bookkeeper).
The job became a sort of mission for me and I allowed myself to get way to personally involved, both emotionally and financially.
On 4 separated occasions, I took credit card advances and deposited the money in the company checking account so that we could purchase necessary items to complete jobs we had on hand. These amounts were quite large and total nearly $40,000 now.
I wound up getting fired, for using the company computer for personal use and when i left, i continued to get paycheck to reimburse me for the months owed, but they stopped 5 weeks shy of what i was owed. Also, the credit card debt was never repayed and many attempts to contact him have yielded no results.
I'm wondering what options I have as far as trying to sue him for the $40,000 + (interest has been adding up).
To further complicate things, i was going through a divorce and several of the cards were joint, causing issues with a financial settlement. Several of the cards have now gone to collection agencies and I am being constantly hounded and have no way to pay them off.
My estranged husband and I are trying to work out our situation and in the mean time, he's been paying the 2 joint card ($500 monthly) so that his credit won't suffer any further.
I'm sorry for being in such a rush here and will try to clarify things later, but am anxious for any advice from people out here.
Needless to say, this is causing extreme problems for me, both financially and emotionally.
Thanks in advance for any input.
You need far more help than is available on a bulletin board. You need to see an attorney about the $40,000+ that is owed you.
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