Suing for Libel

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Reciently I found a page on someone's website about me -

I can prove that everything she say is untrue - except for the magickal misuse part - cause even though it never happened - I cant prove it didnt - that is like saying I cant prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that I did not go to McDonalds on monday...I didnt go, but I dont have concrete proof.

What can I do as far as suing her for libel? This ruins not only my reputation, but the reputation of the non-profit organization I run - - what do I do???

I would really appreciate any kind of help.

Dalighla said:
Reciently I found a page on someone's website about me -

I can prove that everything she say is untrue - except for the magickal misuse part - cause even though it never happened - I cant prove it didnt - that is like saying I cant prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that I did not go to McDonalds on monday...I didnt go, but I dont have concrete proof.

What can I do as far as suing her for libel? This ruins not only my reputation, but the reputation of the non-profit organization I run - - what do I do???

The best you can do is usually write to the site to tell them of the defamatory material. They don't want to get involved, especially Microsoft. It seems like the material has already been taken down, FYI.

If you can prove that the statement is untrue you can sue for defamation. However, be prepared to prove your damages. You may need to bring in testimony of people who have read it and how it affected you or your business. Show doctor bills regarding your stress, etc. Defamation cases are unfortunately not so easy to make and difficult to bring, not likely to yield results worth your time and effort unless the damages are severe enough.
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