Criminal Attorneys, Public Defenders Summary Offense Process in PA


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I received a summary offense for drinking a beer on Pennsylvania State Park land (though I'm from out-of-state). I was kayaking with some friends down one of the gorgeous rivers there and a DCNR Ranger came into a parking lot to find all of us with a beer in hand. I'm not here to argue the fact that I was caught, but more to get an understanding of the process I should follow. This weekend I received my notice of a Summons For Summary Case Non-Traffic with just a "Contact Office" listed in the Total Due section of the page. On the actual ticket, it lists the J.C.P./A.T.J./C.J.E.A. as $40.25, though it has a crossed out $35.50. I understand that is a processing fee that recently changed in PA, so I'm stuck with at least that much...

I'm curious what is going on? Is there anything I can expect with "contact office" (is it going to be someone who gives me the total fine or what?) I know that the $40.25 can't be the final cost as total due was left blank, does this get lumped into the total maximum fine for a summary offense though (which I know is capped at $300)? I know this could potentially be on my record for 5 years, is there a chance at a deal that could possible avoid that for these levels of offenses?

Any information is greatly appreciated!
I received a summary offense for drinking a beer on Pennsylvania State Park land (though I'm from out-of-state). I was kayaking with some friends down one of the gorgeous rivers there and a DCNR Ranger came into a parking lot to find all of us with a beer in hand. I'm not here to argue the fact that I was caught, but more to get an understanding of the process I should follow. This weekend I received my notice of a Summons For Summary Case Non-Traffic with just a "Contact Office" listed in the Total Due section of the page. On the actual ticket, it lists the J.C.P./A.T.J./C.J.E.A. as $40.25, though it has a crossed out $35.50. I understand that is a processing fee that recently changed in PA, so I'm stuck with at least that much...

I'm curious what is going on? Is there anything I can expect with "contact office" (is it going to be someone who gives me the total fine or what?) I know that the $40.25 can't be the final cost as total due was left blank, does this get lumped into the total maximum fine for a summary offense though (which I know is capped at $300)? I know this could potentially be on my record for 5 years, is there a chance at a deal that could possible avoid that for these levels of offenses?

Any information is greatly appreciated!

No Internet dummy, of which I am one, can assist you.

Contact the numbers on the citation, enquire about the fine, or anything else you wish to know.

As dumb as I am, I know you can't ignore the citation.

If you do, eventually your drivers license could be suspended/revoked, or other problems could besiege you.

I suggest you endeavor to pay it, or learn where/how you can defend against it.

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