Summer First Choice Notification

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New Member
Hello... I am in Florida. I have primary custody of 2 children. My ex & I have been divorced for 3.5 yrs. In March 2010 the Judge signed an Order stating that my ex had first choice for summer, and that he had to notice me via US Mail by April 15 of his 5 weeks for summer selection. The Order went on to state that if he didn't notice me by April 15, then I was given first choice for summer.

So... it is April 16, and I have recieved no notice via US Mail from my ex, but he did send an email at 6 PM last night with choices for summer. My question is, despite him sending summer choices via email, he hasn't sent any notice via Mail, I think that should give me first choice for summer. Am I right? Or could this be considered reasonable attempt to notice.

I will also say... he didn't even choose full week increments. He wants the kids 10 days, then me have 3 days, then him have 4 days, etc, and the exchange times he is asking for means I have to take time off from work to go and get the children on either Mon, Wed, or Fri! Can he do that, too?
Come on, is this worth a fight?


The email notice, more than likely fails to comply fully with the notice provision of your order.

Why not work it out?

If you don't want to, get ready to rumble in court.

Is this how you want to spend the next 15 years, fighting?

Isn't this one of the reasons you both decided to divorce?
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