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I suggest you research Pro Bono in civil lawsuits in NY.
These guys want your blood.

BK might be your best and cheapest way out at this point!!!
Thank you for your advise. Do you think the judge will show any mercy?

Well, you're innocent until proven guilty.

In this case, the plaintiff has to prove you owe this debt.

One typical strategy is demand the plaintiff produce the original note you might have signed, if this is your debt.

That said, a general denial (the defendant denies each and every allegation of plaintiff) works well for starters.

But, if this gets that far, demand the plaintiff produce the ORIGINAL signed contract.

Usually they can't, because they don't have it.

The con-artists that are suing you, aren't the ones that you allegedly owe money.

These are bottom feeders who bought the note for pennies on the dollar (as in 2-3 cents on the dollar).

Therefore, they often don't have any original paperwork.

They may simply have purchased a list with your name on it.

Demand they produce the note, do your research, consider bankruptcy; all of these things will require you to invest hours.

A question or two here or there won't help.

Do YOUR research or hire a lawyer.
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Get an attorney.


You can't afford not to.

If you don't - they likely WILL prevail.
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