Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Summons for shoplifting in NH?


New Member
I'm 18 years old and was caught shoplifting at a store in NH. They looked through my bags, took out the items from their store along with items shoplifted from another store and then called the police to press charges. The police didn't arrest me at that time but I received a court summons instead for about a month from now, do I need to hire a lawyer? Does NH allow pre-trial diversion programs for first time offenders so this won't go on my record, and how can I request a diversion program? I really have no idea what my next step should be and I'd like to avoid having any of this end up on my criminal record, I've already sent a message to a nearby criminal defense attorney for a free consultation but I don't know if I should hire him or another attorney or if I'll be fine on my own and whether I should plead guilty or not.
I'm 18 years old and was caught shoplifting at a store in NH. They looked through my bags, took out the items from their store along with items shoplifted from another store and then called the police to press charges. The police didn't arrest me at that time but I received a court summons instead for about a month from now, do I need to hire a lawyer? Does NH allow pre-trial diversion programs for first time offenders so this won't go on my record, and how can I request a diversion program? I really have no idea what my next step should be and I'd like to avoid having any of this end up on my criminal record, I've already sent a message to a nearby criminal defense attorney for a free consultation but I don't know if I should hire him or another attorney or if I'll be fine on my own and whether I should plead guilty or not.

The answers to your questions are YES.

Your questions have been asked and answered thousands of times on this website, and millions of times across the internet.
I suggest you search this site to see what others were told,a nd how that applies to you.

You aren't facing a murder or rape charge, but any conviction of any crime will negatively impact your life.
It isn't wise to face this charge without an attorney, as it is minor, but its NOT a parking ticket.
It is serious and a conviction will cause you to be denied certain opportunities in the future.

Be smart, hire yourself an attorney to make sure your rights are protected, and you do get the lightest sentence possible and a chance for redemption.
I am a Retail Theft consultant and answer questions like yours daily. YES you need an Attorney and that Attorney will have the answers you need. Your facing criminal charges and criminal record so you dont need to make mistakes
If you show up trying to do this yourself and ask for leniency, you'd have to wonder whether they believe you're not taking the matter too seriously. And to be perfectly frank, you may have an issue where the prosecutor may be able to charge you with two shoplifting offenses, at least based upon what I'm reading into here. As such, you had best get a criminal attorney since your case is instantly not straightforward and full of potential surprises. Hence add my vote for a criminal attorney as a necessity, not an option (even though it is.) Good luck.