Summons Help

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New Member
I received a summons in the mail today for a credit card debt, that I have just finally caught up. In the past 3 months I have paid them 774.00. Last payment of 333.00 on 9/20 this brought the account current. On 9/29 suit was filed by another bank who apparently bought them out. I had fallen behind two payment in april and may but contacted them and they told me to pay what I could so I did. How do I answer this summons. It is not to appear in court but to answer the summons. Also the amount they are stating I owe is more than is what is showing on my statements. Help!
I don't understand. Are you saying you paid off the entire amount of the credit card bill do the original creditor before the second bank filed suit? If so, you should contact the second bank quickly to inform them of this fact and inform them that the debt they purchased is not a valid debt. You'll want them to put in writing that they will dismiss the suit and obtain the money from the first bank, who should have directed you to pay the second bank. This is the easiest way but I'm wondering if I'm missing a key fact here.
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