Summons Support

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I have been served with a pettition for modification of an order of support. I am in NYC. The reasons as are written are:

Terminate the Order of Support
Adjust the Arrears
Refund any overpayment

I understand terminating the order, however I am owed 27K+ in arrears.
There are also other papers attached requesting that I bring in proof of income.
My question is why am I being asked to show proof of income (*financial Disclosure affidavit)? Am I being asked to pay child support (though there is nothing that states it directly)?

It also state it is
Purpose: First appearance.
Need more information.
sorry....I lost custody of my son last year and the mothers reasoning is so she wouldn't have to pay back the arrears in which is owed (apx 27K+)
My assumption is that she is going for support, but I don't really know what I stated above comes of the court papers (in bold type), but to me it is not asjking for support.

Except that attached to it they have papers stating financial affidavit...
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