Sunlover apparently soliciting by email

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Well-Known Member
Just wanted to drop the Professor a heads up. On another site I post on, sunlover has apparently been sending people emails, disparaging the site and its members and referring them to parentnook. I just became aware, because a woman copied and posted his email to her, in forum. You might want to enter his user account and see if he is doing the same thing here.
Thanks very much for the heads up. I don't even know exactly what happened. I've turned off the email messaging here except for members with many posts and who have special registered status. I've done it just for this reason along with others. The spam and solicitations - aside from stuff like this - is out of hand. Many thanks. What I don't understand is why sunlover would send them elsewhere. Very odd. I will check everything out though, rest assured. Thanks so much for the heads up. I was dealing with more larger issues lately, such as the mad spam / hack rush from China.
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