Super put my belongings in the trash, items are missing and destroyed

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On 7/10/2010 I had the legal right to retrieve my belongings from the premises by a court order.( I wiiling gave up the apartment w/o a fight) I went to my former address to get my belongings to put them into storage. When I got there my beds were out with the trash, and I started picking through the trash and a lot of my items were in the garbage, broken and destroyed. I found my daughter's high school diploma in the garbage, there were clothes, and kitchen items, my son's bike, my microwave unit, bins that held clothes, bookcases and things of that nature. When I spoke to the landlord who had an agreement to give me $200.00 to put my stuff in storage he basically stated that was the super trying to help by putting my things outside( in with the trash), I had to stop sanitation from removing the garbage. I took pictures of everything and I want to know is this legal. I've never encounter something like this. A lot of valuable items are missing and or destroyed. I had to shift through garbage to find items. When it all was shifted through I had only the things that were in my room. I had a two bedroom apartment, my daughter occupied the livingroom. ALL OF MY CHILDREN'S BELONGING AS FAR AS CLOTHES AND WINTER COATS AND SHOES, BOOTS, GAME COONSOLES AND IPHONES, AND SIDEKICKS WEREN'T RECOVERED. I was told by the judge I had the right to sue in Civil Court but since I owed about 3k in rent arrears and the marshal fee's totaled 1500, it would cancel out whatever would be due to me. I want to know if the information I was given is correct. I did some research and discovered I could win triple my damages in Civil court if I were to win. All of my paperwork was thrown out. My cat is missing and so are my two turtles, Never mind the things that had sentimental value, like my kids report cards from the start of school, all of my text books, reading books, my encyclopedia's for my college education. Everything is gone. My storage unit was a 5x10 unit and all that was in it was a few of my clothing and a freezer, bedroom set and some of the things that were recovered from the garbage. Again, is this legal. I have to start all over again, I have no way to prove what was thrown out, I took pics, I don't have receipts, my tax returns for the last 10 years are gone. I feel violated and I would like to know if what was done was legal. When I went to the super's house to retrieve my belongings, he had my phone set up in his house. Please advise can I really win a claim against the landlord. I already let the landlord and the super know I would be calling immigration Monday morning on the super and filing my court papers against the landlord,on Monday 7/12/10. Thank you for any assistance.
Go talk to a lawyer. You aren't capable of pursuing this yourself. If the case has merit, the lawyer will take it on a contingency.

You might need to see four or five lawyers. Eventually, if one takes it, your case has merit. If no one wants it on a contingency, the case sucks.

Also, stop telegraphing what you plan to do to the opposition. That only weakens your case. It allows them time to prepare their defense.

I know you're mad. Who wouldn't be? But, if you wanna win, stop running off at the mouth. Do what you plan to do, but don't tell your enemy your plans.

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