Supervisor harassment

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New Member
I was working 2nd shift, my supervisor knew I had a roomate and would ask me at least once a day... What do you think your wife and roomate are doing while you're here at work, what make you such a catch that you dont think she's not cheating on you with him while you're here? Women are only as faithful as their options allow. When I mentioned this to another supervisor he waited until he left and told me "You need to know when to keep your mouth shut.", then restricted where I was allowed to go.

He insinuated to a new employee that I got drunk on the job (I dont even drink outside of work), I goofed off, and that when I was on the weekend shift I cost the company $20,000 a weekend.

I was sent home twice for no reason. He forced me to reprimand another employee when the employee left 15 minutes early, then said he would take care of it and then gathered the entire shift together and tried to force us to fight.

He's thrown 30lb spools of wire at employees, he's ripped phones from walls. He's sabotaged my production by gather the rest of the shift at my machines,stopping my machine and cutting into my product and then leaving.

I finally get off of his shift and the plant manager asks what was happening on the previous shift. I told him and now I have been warned not to work overtime on his shift.

What can I do to stop this abuse?
Give the HR department a written statement (that will remain on your records.) of what you have posted here. Once HR evaluates your statement, they should meet with the supervisor's manager to address these issues and hopefully put an end to his unprofessional attitude. Good Luck!
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