Supervisor threatened to hit me.

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New Member
I work at a call center. Three supervisors were standing around chatting it was before my shift and I approached them. I waited until they were done talking and then made a suggest about how to handle e-mails as there have been some new policies concerning them being put into place. The dayshift supervisor looked at me with no hint of a smile or any sign that he was joking and told me "Shut up, and go sit down before I hit you." the other two supervisors witnessed him say this to me as well one of them looking shocked. Today there was a discrepancy reported in the number of e-mails I had done on the day the supervisor threatened me and I believe that the mornign supervisor came in and changed the numbers when he got to work. There currently is no HR manager or even an HR assistant at where I work that I can even report this to. My question is basically should i seriously consider getting a lawyer for a hostile work environment or what options are open to me that I can even consider?
I work at a call center. Three supervisors were standing around chatting it was before my shift and I approached them. I waited until they were done talking and then made a suggest about how to handle e-mails as there have been some new policies concerning them being put into place. The dayshift supervisor looked at me with no hint of a smile or any sign that he was joking and told me "Shut up, and go sit down before I hit you." the other two supervisors witnessed him say this to me as well one of them looking shocked. Today there was a discrepancy reported in the number of e-mails I had done on the day the supervisor threatened me and I believe that the mornign supervisor came in and changed the numbers when he got to work. There currently is no HR manager or even an HR assistant at where I work that I can even report this to. My question is basically should i seriously consider getting a lawyer for a hostile work environment or what options are open to me that I can even consider?

The threat of personal hostilities does not make a workplace hostile.

You could have called the police at the very moment you were threatened.

I doubt that they would have taken you seriously, and my suspicions are that the two witnesses would lie and cover for the "bully".

If you fear for your safety, you might want to write a letter to manager of your facility.

The letter should restate ONLY the facts as to what occurred.

Ask the manager to meet with you to discuss the situation.

No company tolerates violence or threats in the workplace.

Stick to the facts, and ask for a remedy.

I have no idea what you seek.

This is the way to seek it.

Be advised, this could backfire in your face.

You might be given lip service, only to be at the forefront of a vendetta on you after the fact.

If decide to pursue this, they might come for you later.

I know that you don't want to consider this (in this economy), but if it were me, I'd start looking for a new job!

This sounds like a nutty, wild, and crazy pace to work.

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