support and alimony

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I have a business that is struggling every year, 2004 I had a $ 50,000 loss and 2005 I had a loss also. I did not file for divorce my wife did. She has attorney fees over $ 20,000 and I have over $ 8,000. I am over 60-90 days late on all my bills. What if I am ordered to pay alimony and child support on revenue I generate and not my true income. Then what? I won't be able to pay. I have more debt than assets. If I have to sell everything I will be out of work as well as still in debt. If I cannot pay how long before I go to jail. I have two minor children living with me from a prior marriage.
What does your attorney say?

do you file taxes on this business? If you claimed a loss then it is going to be very hard for your wife to prove your income.

Your 2 kids with you should offset child support a bit but you might want to google florida child support guidelines.

How long were you married for? She is not automatically entitled to alimony. Seems to be it is time for you guys to settle on something.

CS is not based on your revenue generated, it is in your income and if you are self employed, it is hard to determine exqctly how much you make and what your profit was.
more info.

We where married a year last July, my attorney says nothing, I have a hard time getting him to do anything for me. We live in and were married in California.
Then find another attorney. If you were married less than a year, then alimony is almost unheard of. Is she requesting alimony? She nees to get a job if she is not working. Child support is all you will be required to pay, that is if she is seeking custody.

If your wife thinks she is going to take you to the cleaners after this ridiculously short marriage, she is in for something else. After this short duration, she is not entitled to much. Offer to pay her child support and to pay half of day care. If she wants to turn this into a long expensive court battle then tell her you will petition the courts to have her pay your legal fees. See if you can go to mediation and get this settled. After only 1 year of marriage, there should not be many things to sort out.
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